An update on Pr August

Dear Asia Focus Supporters,

This communication is to bring you up to date with the health issues facing Pastor August and the processes that have been put in place for the interim management of the day to day running of Asia Focus

August, Martin & the 2 troopers 7-9-20.jpg

Pastor August is currently facing serious health issues, as he has been diagnosed with an inoperable tumour within the frontal lobe of his brain. He has completed the first and second rounds of chemotherapy and the doctors are pleased with his progress. This is a positive answer to prayer and we ask that you continue to keep Pastor and his family in your prayers. Pastor is hoping to go home for a short stay following the continued shrinkage of the tumour following his second round of chemo.

Although the tumour is affecting his cognitive ability and the treatment is making him weak and frail he is still very interested and trying to stay on top of AFA matters. He has his good and not so good days. Pastor is consulted as well as Betty and their family on the procedures the committee wish to follow.

The Management and Steering Committees have met and set in place interim procedures for the continuation of the work of Asia Focus which will include the interim management of the day to day running of Asia Focus. Our priority will be to maintain support for long term current projects.

At our recent meeting it was noted that although some donations have declined the organisation is in the financial position, at this stage, to meet our financial commitments. The committee thanks you and requests that you continue your financial support of the organisation so that this important work can continue as Pastor would wish.

Pastor August is unable to publish an edition of Fire but the Committee has assisted to publish this modified edition. We feel that it is of the utmost importance to keep in contact with our supporters and that the important work started by Pastor August can continue The Zoom sessions will continue on Wednesday evenings but will not be as often. An email will be sent out on Wednesday if there is recent news with a followup zoom meeting that evening.

Thank you for your continued support and we ask that you give privacy to Pastor and his family but request that you continue to pray for him, his family and for the work of Asia Focus as we make our way through this difficult time.

Yours in Christ,Gay Ridge, AFA Secretary.