Nepal Earthquake: Called to Help and Heal

 It’s all history now but the tragic consequences are not: 16,000 thousand dead and countless lives turned upside down. Media attention has now gone but depression and hopelessness for thousands, if anything, is getting worse. You see, grieving in depth has only just began. Who would have thought that AFA was going to get involved in Nepal? We had not intended to do that but changed our minds after receiving letters like these: Money from Christian organisations is given to non- Christian groups while Christians/churches are being ignored. LWF relief funds and those of some other churches cannot and will not help any church. After this information from Rev Patras Marandi in Nepal was received, AFA started relief action to help the churches. It was action by email only. In general, we had no time, no money, no staff to let people know by mail.

Rev Patras is the General Secretary of NELC (Nepal Evangelical Lutheran Church) and he, like we, acknowledge the important work done also by the LWF- teams working for the Nepali community even if done through channels which may be Christian in name only. In one sense this doesn’t matter, in another sense, it does matter. AFA was also assured that our help will benefit non-Christians as well. We simply want to do good to all people starting with those from the household  of faith. Galatians, 6-10. Our work is an answer to prayer by the whole NELC from the president down.

It is humbling to be able to report that AFA has been able to quickly send nearly $60,000 to Nepal and that more than $60,000 have now been received for Nepal alone – mainly on the basis of three emails. 98% of the money is from individuals, not congregations. Of course more is needed – and reports will follow. In Jesus’ name let us continue to spread at least a little bit of gladness and rejoicing in the rubble and ruins of Nepal.

AFA gladly accepts further support for Nepal – and is very grateful for it. The NELC hopes for a long term relationship with us. Pastor Fricke will be able to fit in a stopover in Nepal in June to check things out. If donating to Nepal please earmark clearly with words like ‘Nepal Action’. Updates are still being released regularly by email. Make sure that you are on our email database! However we cannot neglect our own crucially important projects. They need the same continued support. Otherwise we will be in trouble.