ALWS Leaders Visit to AFA Founders: August and Betty Fricke

Asia Focus Australia (AFA) and Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) have a mutual goal in helping those who are marginalised and in desperate need of assistance. This was an informal meeting over morning tea at the Fricke’s home in Gympie and an opportunity for each organisation to better understand the role of the other. It was felt that if there are similarities, there may be benefits in working more closely together…

President's Annual Report 2018

2018 was as eventful, wonderful as well as stressful as every other year if not more so – with plenty of drama and pain mixed in as well. Overall the number of donors and interest in AFA keeps growing. But like the LCA itself, we are also suffering from the effects of a declining church as people age and die or join other churches and stop to support Lutheran-based mission work.

Nepal Earthquake on-the-spot Report

On the night of my arrival in Kathmandu after seeing some of the destruction sights I was ready to fly home. I REALLY HAD ENOUGH ALREADY: death and decay all around I see. Under those piles of rubble, were there still unrecovered bodies? Bits of clothing (like filthy rags) still visible among the rocks and pieces of cement – and people quietly walking over the debris of what may have been their homes, still searching for ‘something’, maybe for peace.